Friday, February 5, 2010


When Pilot walked into his foster home for the first time, he spied a ball and began to bat it around with his front paws. That prompted him to take it in his mouth and throw it into the air. His foster siblings and foster parents enjoyed the show! After a tour of the house, Pilot returned to the den area and made himself comfortable on a dog bed while he began to enjoy retirement.
It has been a week now and Pilot has had absolutely NO mistakes or accidents. He has gone to the door and "asked" to go outside several times. He crates with treats and doesn't complain. Pilot has been sleeping in the mornings until 8:00, if allowed. This seems very unusual for a greyhound that has not been away from the track schedule very long.
One of the funniest things that Pilot has done is to watch TV. He actually stares at the TV and follows the action. Being a young dog, he does get frightened of wild action like fast car chases or loud noises. Then he gallops to the bedroom. Soon he sneaks back and peeks at the TV to be sure that it is entertaining once again.